Saturday, February 2, 2008

Art Therapy

Art therapy like a mirror that shows us the problems that child or adult face. Art therapy is the way that children can express them selves. I chose Abdulrahman because he is so stubborn and sensitive at the same time. You can not convince him easily. If he wants to do something, he will do it without listening to anyone. He has very nervous and short temper, if he is angry, you can not anticipate his reactions. Abdulrahman is 7 years old. He lives with both his parents. He is the third child in his family. He has three brothers, two older than him, Abdullah (14 years old), and Abdulaziz(12 years old). One is younger than him Mohammed (3 weeks)

He doesn’t get along with his oldest brother (Abdullah) and when asked to draw him, he drew him in black, and when he was asked about the drawing, he said, he drew him in black because “he is evil, he hit me until I cry”

On the other hand, he likes his brother (Abdulaziz) and they get along together and he drew him in purple because it’s his favorite color. Abdulrahman also drew his mom in pink because he said it’s her favorite color. He also drew his baby brother at his mother lap and didn’t color him and when asked about it, he said he wants to leave him colorless. I think his feeling toward his new baby brother is not clear yet that is why he did not color it. Abdulrahman drew his father with huge fingers and toes and when asked about it, he said because he is big and strong.

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