Friday, November 9, 2007

technology and my life

Technology is very important because we can not live without using technology. I use the calendar in my mobile phone to put my appointments. I use the internet only to check my e-mail or to search about specific topics. I use computer to type my assignments. I own a mobile phone, TV, computer, laptop, DVD player. I find enjoyment and entertainment through watching TV and using the phone and chatting with my friends. Technology like every thing has advantages and disadvantages we all know that mobile harm the brain when using it, and a misuse of internet also very harmful to individuals and society. But on the other hand the technology is very useful and beneficial for who know how to use it and for any one looking for any information. I do not have friends, colleagues, or family members who resist technology or react negatively toward it. It's a huge advantage, For those who have access is like an unlimited resources are open for them unlike those who do not have access.

technology and my life

I think, there are plenty ways and usage of technology tools and information resources to increase productivity, promote creativity, and facilitate academic learning. One way is using internet and searching for the right information. also for organizing my schedule the date of assignments, quizzes, and exams. I use the internet only to check the black board and my e-mail. I can not stay for hours in front of the computer to play games or to chat. But using the internet is very useful and beneficial especially black board. Because I can check any lecture in any course or to check any announcements or to submit my assignments and quizzes.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

What learners demand?

When I read the article “engage me or engage me” I found it very interesting epically comparing between the students before the technology was inverted and nowadays. After I read about the three different kinds of learners demand, so I find my self in the first group which is self-motivated and sometimes I feel my self in the second group which is “go through the motion” maybe when I like the course and find it interesting and beneficial (like this course) I will be self-motivated but when I found the course so boring I only study before the exam. Overall I like my major (early childhood ed) so much so I found most of the courses are very interesting and beneficial for my life with my children. When I study any course I used to use some ways that help me to understand the subjects. For example, I write down things I want to learn that’s how I remember them best. I sit at the front of the classroom so I can see my teacher’s body language and facial expressions. I use diagrams, picture textbooks, handouts and visual displays to help my learning. I use bright highlighter pens or markers to draw attention to important areas in my notes or work.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

My Goals

My firs goal was to continue my bachelor’s degree in early childhood education. In firs year in the college I found it so difficult, because my responsibilities to take care about my husband and my children. But my husband encouraged me to continue, and helped me a lot if I need any help. When I chose my major I was looking for something that I could benefit for my own life. I thought of something to help me in raising my own children. However, last semester, I did my training in the American school that it changed my mined about getting a job after I finish my studies. It was a great and wonderful experience. So, I am planning to open a small pre-school.